Earth Rocks Blog
I may have a shot at living on Mars, but I’m smart enough to know that Earth is a rocking place to be… a place where vibrant health is possible if only we make the decision to choose it.
Join me as I blog about health and wellness issues of all kinds. Let’s rock this life of ours!

Pain or Freedom?
Ever have a less than ideal day at work? No matter how hard you tried to accentuate the positive, you wound up feeling, well... kinda negative? Tell me about it, sister. Yesterday, I was feeling great - riding the wave of life and hanging ten. Until I wasn't. ...
The Small Good Things
A friend of mine was downsized a few years ago at the age of 52. He was really good at what he did. The employment counsellors told him that he had a great CV, wonderful references and an impressive portfolio. Then they told him that the phone probably wasn't going...
Accept Difficulty, eh?
Ever feel like you're in the middle of some version of hell? Maybe you've been diagnosed with a disease, maybe your kids are acting out, maybe you have a job that has you feeling stuck and frustrated. Dr. Rick Hanson knows all about it. He's a psychologist who...
Do the Opposite
Do you sometimes feel you have to suffer in order to be happy? You know... "pay your dues", "tough it out", go to the "school of hard knocks", "keep on trucking"? What if you've been wrong all this time? What if you've spent your whole life swimming upstream -...
What’s Next?
Ever notice that when you feel stuck in life, you're focusing on what IS instead of on what you want? Energetically, you can't move because you're not vibrating at the level of what it is you desire. You're down in the proverbial dumps. Literally. And ya gotta get...
Listen to the Voice
Ever watch "The Voice"? You know the show I mean. Celebrity judges like Adam Levine, Blake Shelton and Kelly Clarkson sit in big red chairs with their backs to the contestants on stage, and listen to each "voice". Which artist should they coach to superstardom? ...
You’ll See It When You Believe It
One of my favourite movies is “Under the Tuscan Sun”. Diane Lane plays Frances, a writer whose husband leaves her for a younger woman. Frances' best friends send her on vacation to Italy in a bid to take her mind off things. Unexpectedly, she falls in love with a...
Be Here Now
Have you ever visited Niagara Falls? It's a gas. You put on a plastic raincoat and climb aboard a boat called "The Hornblower" that takes you on an epic ride through the white mist right up to the Falls themselves... close to 700,000 gallons of water per second...
The “Take it in!” List
How many times a day do we make lists? The grocery list, the "to do" list... and on it goes. One of the best lists you can make for yourself - in order to take care of you - is the "Take it in!" List. What is it? That's simple. It's a list of all the things...
Destination Now
Have you ever gone on a vacation to get away from it all, only to realise that once you arrived, all your troubles had come with you? Robert Holden knows all about it. He writes about happiness and transformation, and does a TED talk on what he...
We’re Not Here Forever. Really.
Remember Marlo Thomas? Most baby boomers would know her as the star of the 1960's TV sitcom, "That Girl". She's also the daughter of legendary comedian Danny Thomas, and is married to talk show host Phil Donahue. Here's my favourite thing about Marlo Thomas. She...
Ring them Bells
Are you ever in such a rush with the day-to-day of life that you lose touch with you? Something feels off. You're just not in alignment. You need to centre yourself. Sure, it sounds good on paper. But how do you do it in real life? Three words, my friends. ...