Have you ever gone on a vacation to get away from it all, only to realise that once you arrived, all your troubles had come with you?

Robert Holden knows all about it.  He writes about happiness and transformation, and does a TED talk on what he calls “Destination Addiction”.  

What is it?  That’s simple.  It’s the idea that happiness is always in the next place, with the next vacation, the next job, the next car, the next partner.  It’s never right now.

 “Unless you give up the idea that happiness is somewhere else, it will never be where you are.”  – Robert Holden

Let that sink in.  “It will never be where you are.”

A couple of days ago, I was helping a friend to pack up her house for a move.  She was still at work, so I was on my own.  As I wrapped and packed the kitchen, I started to feel a bit worn out.  That is, until I decided to sing.  Broadway show tunes.  I was startled by how much I was suddenly enjoying “now”… loving the present moment instead of just tolerating it.

Call it the “whistle while you work” principle.  It’s simple.  The more we notice now, the more we enjoy being there. 

Put that on a t-shirt, why don’t ya?