It’s a question I never thought I’d be asking.  How do we thrive in a world that feels like it’s falling apart?  There’s a global pandemic, a war in Ukraine, staggering inflation, and a real estate market that’s just insane.  Yikes!

In all of this chaos, it’s only human that millions of us are “doom scrolling”.  You know, that thing you do when you can’t take your eyes off the newsfeed on your smartphone… or you can’t take your ears off the latest podcast or newscast.

Trouble is, doom scrolling bombards our brains with images and information that only drag us down and make us feel bad.  It hijacks our energy.

Before we know it, we’re vibrating at a low frequency instead of a high one.  And what do we attract down there?  You guessed it.  People, places, and things that vibrate at that frequency, too.

So how do we snap out of it?  That’s simple.  We need to detach. 

If you feel like experimenting, try setting an intention that goes like this:  I will spend as much time as possible every day in my right brain.  “Huh???” I can hear you saying.      Stay with me.

The right brain is the place where play, creativity, music, beauty, art, and connectedness reside.  Everything feels good over there!  There’s a party going on!

Our left brain is the home of numbers, analysis, reading, questions, and logic.  It’s our left brain that craves all that doom scrolling.

The trick is to get out of our left brain and into our right whenever we can.

There are lots of ways to do that.  Meditation is a great one.  But this week, I tried a different strategy… music.  A few days ago, I changed the pre-set on my car radio to three different music stations – no news stations at all.  I put my left brain in the trunk and threw my right brain into gear behind the wheel.

When I turn on the radio now, I lose myself in music instead of mayhem.  I sing along.  I feel the sweet release of detaching from the world and all its troubles.  And after only a day, I can honestly say I really feel a difference.   Maybe you will, too.

Right brain, right choice.    Ahhhhhhhh. ❤️