Remember Marlo Thomas?  Most baby boomers would know her as the star of the 1960’s TV sitcom, “That Girl”.  She’s also the daughter of legendary comedian Danny Thomas, and is married to talk show host Phil Donahue.

Here’s my favourite thing about Marlo Thomas.  She wrote a book that I love called “The Right Words at the Right Time”.  (Check it out here on Amazon:

It’s a collection of stories about people – some of them famous, some of them just like you and me.  Each one of these people talks about a time in their lives when someone gave them exactly the advice they needed to hear.  Right words, right time.

Here’s the thing.  It wasn’t necessarily fancy advice.  Just the good old fashioned kind that flips a light switch in your head and illuminates your path.

Enter my friend John.  He’s kind of like Marlo Thomas.  Right words, right time.

I had to smile today when he said:  “We’re not going to be here forever.  When I acknowledge my death, it’s easier for me to make decisions about what I want.” 

So simple.  So powerful.  And such a motivating force.

So here’s to acknowledging death.   Really.

Raise a glass to it, drink a toast to it, and accept the gift it has to offer:  the push we sometimes need to decide what we want, and start walking towards it.
