The next time you go to the Dollar Store, take a minute to notice what I call the “Wall of Sugar”: bags of candies hanging from little silver hooks, and boxes of chocolate bars sitting in tidy sugary rows.  Not to mention the Betty Crocker icing, Pop Tarts and cookies you’ll find there, too.  It all looks so pretty.  But let’s call it what it is: socially acceptable crack cocaine.  Cheap sugar wrapped in shiny paper; the ultimate wolf in sheep’s clothing.

The more we’re hooked, the more we buy… and that’s the way, uh-huh, uh-huh, they like it – uh-huh, uh-huh.

While the multi-nationals rake in billions in profits (some sources suggest the worldwide sugar industry will be worth 100 billion dollars by 2022), we humans pay the tragic price with skyrocketing rates of obesity, diabetes and heart disease.  The sugar barons are killing us.  Killing us.  And what’s worse – we’re letting them.

Of all the things Earthlings do, this has got to be one of the weirdest.  We allow big business to hook us on an addictive substance, poison our bodies and make us sick.  Oh, and then we go back for more.  How messed up is that?  Answer: incredibly.

Time to wake up, fellow rebels!  We don’t have to be slaves to sugar. You heard me.  The solution is simple:  just stop buying it.  Yup.  With those four simple words, we can storm the barricades and be free!!!  Where’s the cast of Les Miserables when you need them?  Oh yeah. Right here. 😀