Ever lose sleep worrying about the future or the past? Welcome to the human race. We Earthlings seem to spend a lot of time living in yesterday or tomorrow instead of in “now”.
As a strategy, it’s totally messed up.
If you had a choice between living in a place where life feels good, or living in place where life comes wrapped in regret or anxiety, wouldn’t you just naturally choose “good”? It seems like a no brainer.
But millions of people spend their days and nights anywhere but in the here and now.
Now is that place your parents took you as a kid where they served foot-long hotdogs and onion rings and chocolate milkshakes. It’s hip, it’s cool, it’s where calm lives, where peace resides, where happy hangs out.
Anywhere else is just a ticket on the train to Pointless. Yet millions of people board that rickety old train every day, watching joy pass them by as they gaze out the window.
What would happen if someone showed you how to hop across the tracks and board a different train?
Here’s a hack that will get you to “now” sooner.
Snap your fingers and listen to the sound it makes.
Feel the warmth of the water that sprays on your skin in the shower.
Really taste your cereal as you chew on it at breakfast.
Gaze at the birds flying overhead on your way to work each morning.
Sense a pattern?
All you have to do is use each one of your senses to notice the things around you in every moment.
Where you’ll wind up will be wonderful. Where you’ll wind up will be “now”.
Put your feet up and stay awhile, ya hear?