Ever watch “The Voice”?  You know the show I mean.  Celebrity judges like Adam Levine, Blake Shelton and Kelly Clarkson sit in big red chairs with their backs to the contestants on stage, and listen to each “voice”.

Which artist should they coach to superstardom?  

The judges are very smart.  They’re usually gorgeous, too, but that’s not the point.  The point is… they don’t rush the process.  They have to be sure.  They focus on the sound and the tone and the range.  Does that voice speak to them and them alone?  If it does, they follow their gut and hit the big red buzzer.

We have a voice, too.  One that speaks to us and us alone. 

It’s called our intuition.  Some spiritual teachers call it our “internal GPS”.  And just like the GPS navigation system in our cars, all we have to do is listen to the instructions it gives, and follow them.

But some of us have never learned to listen.   It’s not our fault.  No one ever taught us.

How do we cut through the white noise of life and actually listen to our inner voice?  Two steps.  That’s it. 

One: Close your eyes for ten minutes every morning and focus on your breath to quiet your mind.   Two:  Spend time in nature as often as you can.  That’s it.

Go ahead.  Feel yourself in the big red chair.  Listen.  Really listen.  When you hear something that feels good, hit the big red buzzer.  Your inner GPS just gave you directions.  All you have to do is follow them.
