Remember comedian George Carlin? He used to do a famous routine called “Stuff”.  Carlin said that all your house really is – is a place to keep your stuff while you go out and get more stuff.  Funny, right?  Except it’s kind of true.

We’re a society of consumers.  We buy things.

Do you ever look around your home and ask yourself where all that “stuff” came from?  Do you ever feel like letting some of it go?


Last year, I read a book called “The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up”.  It was written by Marie Kondo, a Japanese woman who turned the simple concept of sorting your possessions and keeping only what brings you joy – into an empire.

One at a time, I piled my things on sheets on the floor.  I held each one in my hand, felt its energy in my heart, and asked myself if it brought me joy.  If it did, I kept it.  If it didn’t, I bowed to it, thanked it for its service, and gave it away.  It felt like a Japanese tea ceremony – reverent and beautiful.

And then something unexpected happened.  As my living space became more clear, my mind became more clear.  The more I focused on the joyful things around me, the more joy I felt.

The more joy I felt, the more joy I began attracting into my life.

“What’s not to like?” I asked myself.
