Ever catch yourself yelling at the GPS in your car?  You’ve programmed your destination and everything should be tickety-boo.  But Thelma with the British accent is telling you to turn left, and you’re sure she must be wrong, so you override her… turn right… and promptly get lost.  Here’s the thing.  You told the GPS what you wanted, but you resisted the directions it gave you.  Crazy, huh?  The same thing happens with our internal GPS, our personal emotional guidance system.  Its job is to lead us where our heart wants to go.  When we don’t follow, it physically hurts.  We feel a gnawing ache in the pit of our stomach.  So why do we resist?  Most of us probably aren’t even aware we’re doing it.  Fear is hijacking our ride.  It’s taking us on a detour miles from the place we really want to go.  Wouldn’t it be great if we could think differently?  Do differently?  Spoiler alert.  We can.  Instead of resisting, try allowing.  Let yourself go where your GPS is leading.  The energy of life wants to flow like water and take us downstream –  where things are easy, fun and joyful.  It’s up to us to allow it to.  How many times have you slammed on the brakes when what you really wanted to do was hit the gas pedal?  Sure, it takes practice; any new habit does.  But the payoff will be huge.  The payoff will be feeling good.